Thursday, February 2, 2017

ParaWorld Article About Me!

The February issue of the Japanese paraglider magazine PARA WORLD carries not one, but basically two articles about me and my X-Alps project.  Many thanks to the staff and especially Kogai-san for taking the time and effort to come visit here in Kyushu to not only collect information for the article but give me invaluable advice about the race (he was the supporter for Japanese X-Alps athletes several times in the past, and will be reporting on this year's event as well).  Everyone's effort at the mag has definitely elevated by profile here in Japan and it's certain to help with my fund-raising efforts.  Once again, thanks a million!


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What is in this blog?

Hi!  This will be a blog about my experience in preparing for and competing in the Red Bull X-Alps, IMHO, the coolest race in the world!  Wi...